Why does running in the heat feel so hard?
WHY does running in the heat feel so hard? What can you do to get heat-acclimated, and how long does it take?
How to return to running after a break: 5 key principles
If you run for long enough, most runners will have to deal with this question at some point or another: how to return to running after you’ve had time away for injury, illness, pregnancy, or just general life disruptions?
Setting goals: What’s your ‘why’?
When you get deeply involved in a sport and its community, being inspired and influenced by those around you is a common side effect. Most of the time, this is a positive thing. But sometimes, it can start to muddy your clarity on which goals are truly yours.
Does strength training make you a faster runner?
If you participate in running, climbing, or any outdoor or endurance sport, you’ve likely heard the advice at some point or another: “You should do more strength training!”