Why choose Ascend?
To make physical therapy and training a collaborative process that is individualized to your goals, never “one-size-fits-all”
To empower you with the treatment, tools, and education to keep you active, not hold you back from what you love
To bridge the gap between where traditional rehab often ends, and where moving and feeling your best begins
What to expect:
One-on-one sessions with the same Doctor of Physical Therapy at each visit
Ongoing and accessible communication with your physical therapist between sessions
A sustainable long-term plan to help you meet your goals
In-clinic and online options
Areas of expertise:
Running-related injuries and performance
Rock climbing-related injuries
Dance and performing arts rehab
Neck pain
Back pain, sciatica
Jaw pain/TMJ dysfunction
Shoulder pain, impingement syndrome/subacromial pain syndrome, rotator cuff tears/tendinitis/tendinopathy, shoulder instability, frozen shoulder
Elbow pain, medial & lateral epicondyle tendinitis/tendinopathy (aka golfer’s elbow, climber’s elbow, tennis elbow)
Wrist pain, finger pain, pulley sprain/tear, wrist and finger tendinitis/tendinopathy
Hip pain, hip impingement, labral tear, tendinitis/tendinopathy
Knee pain, patellofemoral pain syndrome, runner’s knee, patellar tendinitis/tendinopathy
Ankle sprain, Achilles tendinitis/tendinopathy and other ankle tendinopathy, shin splints, plantar fasciitis/fasciopathy, heel pain, foot pain
Post-surgery rehab
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